The following list includes all publications of the group and publications of Christian Cachin from 2010 onward.

For a complete bibliography of Christian Cachin see the DBLP bibliography page or the Google Scholar list.

Press coverage

Steganography: Secret Messages Can Hide in AI-Generated Media, Quanta magazine, 2023.

Recent work

  1. Schneider, P. (2025). Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocols with Near-Constant Work per Node without Signatures. e-print, arXiv:2501.05377 [cs.DC].
  2. Alupotha, J., Gestin, M., & Cachin, C. (2024). Nopenena Untraceable Payments: Defeating Graph Analysis with Small Decoy Sets. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/903.
  3. Amores-Sesar, I., & Cachin, C. (2023). We will DAG you. e-print, arxiv:2311.03092 [cs.DC].

Journal papers

  1. Alpos, O., Cachin, C., Tackmann, B., & Zanolini, L. (2024). Asymmetric Distributed Trust. Distributed Computing, 37(3), 247–277.
  2. Coy, S., Czumaj, A., Scheideler, C., Schneider, P., & Werthmann, J. (2024). Routing Schemes for Hybrid Communication Networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 985, 114352.
  3. Cachin, C., Lehnherr, D., & Studer, T. (2025). Synergistic Knowledge. Theoretical Computer Science, 1023, 114902.
  4. Lehnherr, D., Ognjanovic, Z., & Studer, T. (2022). A Logic of Interactive Proofs. Journal of Logic and Computation, 32(8), 1645–1658.
  5. Cachin, C., De Caro, A., Moreno-Sanchez, P., Tackmann, B., & Vukolić, M. (2021). The Transaction Graph for Modeling Blockchain Semantics. Cryptoeconomic Systems, 1(1).
  6. Cachin, C., & Ohrimenko, O. (2018). Verifying the Consistency of Remote Untrusted Services with Conflict-Free Operations. Information and Computation, 260, 72–88.
  7. Distler, T., Cachin, C., & Kapitza, R. (2016). Resource-efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerance. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(9), 2807–2819.
  8. Cachin, C., Crépeau, C., Marcil, J., & Savvides, G. (2015). Information-Theoretic Interactive Hashing and Oblivious Transfer to a Storage-Bounded Receiver. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(10), 5623–5635.
  9. Brandenburger, M., Cachin, C., & Knežević, N. (2017). Don’t Trust the Cloud, Verify: Integrity and Consistency for Cloud Object Stores. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 20(3), 8:1–8:30.
  10. Cachin, C., Keidar, I., & Shraer, A. (2011). Fail-Aware Untrusted Storage. SIAM Journal on Computing, 40(2), 493–533.

Conference papers

  1. Amores-Sesar, I., Cachin, C., & Schneider, P. (2024). An Analysis of Avalanche Consensus. In Y. Emek (Ed.), Proc. Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO) (Vol. 14662, pp. 27–44). Springer.
  2. Cachin, C., & Mićić, J. (2024). Quick Order Fairness: Implementation and Evaluation. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Blockchain And Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 230–234.
  3. Wicht, F.-X., Wang, Z., Le, D. V., & Cachin, C. (2025). A Transaction-Level Model for Blockchain Privacy. In J. Clark & E. Shi (Eds.), Proc. 28th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2024) (Vol. 14745). Springer.
  4. Cachin, C., Lehnherr, D., & Studer, T. (2023). Synergistic Knowledge. In S. Dolev & B. Schieber (Eds.), Proc. Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS) (Vol. 14310, pp. 552–567). Springer.
  5. Coy, S., Czumaj, A., Scheideler, C., Schneider, P., & Werthmann, J. (2023). Routing Schemes for Hybrid Communication Networks. In S. Rajsbaum, A. Balliu, J. J. Daymude, & D. Olivetti (Eds.), Proc. Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO) (Vol. 13892, pp. 317–338). Springer.
  6. Wang, Z., Cirkovic, M., Le, D. V., Knottenbelt, W. J., & Cachin, C. (2023). Pay Less for Your Privacy: Towards Cost-Effective On-Chain Mixers. In J. Bonneau & S. M. Weinberg (Eds.), Proc. 5th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT) (Vol. 282, pp. 16:1–16:25). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  7. Alpos, O., Cachin, C., Holmgaard Kamp, S., & Buus Nielsen, J. (2023). Practical Large-Scale Proof-Of-Stake Asynchronous Total-Order Broadcast. In J. Bonneau & S. M. Weinberg (Eds.), Proc. 5th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT) (Vol. 282, pp. 31:1–31:22). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  8. Alpos, O., Amores-Sesar, I., Cachin, C., & Yeo, M. (2024). Eating Sandwiches: Modular and Lightweight Elimination of Transaction Reordering Attacks. In A. Bessani, X. Défago, J. Nakamura, K. Wada, & Y. Yamauchi (Eds.), Proc. 27th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 286, pp. 12:1–12:22). Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  9. Alpos, O., & Cachin, C. (2023). Do Not Trust in Numbers: Practical Distributed Cryptography With General Trust. In S. Dolev & B. Schieber (Eds.), Proc. Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS) (Vol. 14310, pp. 536–551). Springer.
  10. Azouvi, S., Cachin, C., Le, D. V., Vukolic, M., & Zanolini, L. (2022). Modeling Resources in Permissionless Longest-Chain Total-Order Broadcast. In E. Hillel, R. Palmieri, & E. Rivière (Eds.), Proc. 26th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 253, pp. 19:1–19:23). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  11. Cachin, C., Losa, G., & Zanolini, L. (2022). Quorum Systems in Permissionless Networks. In E. Hillel, R. Palmieri, & E. Rivière (Eds.), Proc. 26th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 253, pp. 17:1–17:22). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  12. Amores-Sesar, I., Cachin, C., & Tedeschi, E. (2022). When is Spring coming? A Security Analysis of Avalanche Consensus. In E. Hillel, R. Palmieri, & E. Rivière (Eds.), Proc. 26th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 253, pp. 10:1–10:22). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  13. Cachin, C., Mićić, J., Steinhauer, N., & Zanolini, L. (2022). Quick Order Fairness. In I. Eyal & J. A. Garay (Eds.), Proc. Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC) (Vol. 13411, pp. 316–333). Springer.
  14. Amores-Sesar, I., Cachin, C., & Parker, A. (2021). Generalizing Weighted Trees: A Bridge from Bitcoin to GHOST. In F. Baldimtsi & T. Roughgarden (Eds.), Proc. 3rd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT) (pp. 156–169).
  15. Alpos, O., Cachin, C., & Zanolini, L. (2021). How to Trust Strangers: Composition of Byzantine Quorum Systems. Proc. 40th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 120–131.
  16. Alpos, O., Cachin, C., Marson, G. A., & Zanolini, L. (2021). On the Synchronization Power of Token Smart Contracts. Proc. 41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 640–651.
  17. Cachin, C., & Zanolini, L. (2021). Brief Announcement: Revisiting Signature-Free Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus. In S. Gilbert (Ed.), Proc. 35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) (Vol. 209, pp. 51:1–51:4). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  18. Cachin, C., & Zanolini, L. (2021). Asymmetric Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus. In Garcı́a-Alfaro Joaquı́n, J. L. Muñoz-Tapia, G. Navarro-Arribas, & M. Soriano (Eds.), Proc. ESORICS Workshops on Data Privacy Management (DPM), Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology (CBT) (Vol. 13140, pp. 192–207). Springer.
  19. Amores-Sesar, I., Cachin, C., & Mićić, J. (2021). Security Analysis of Ripple Consensus. In Q. Bramas, R. Oshman, & P. Romano (Eds.), Proc. 24th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 184, pp. 10:1–10:16). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  20. Cachin, C., Collins, D., Crain, T., & Gramoli, V. (2020). Byzantine Fault Tolerant Vector Consensus with Anonymous Proposals. In L. Chen, N. Li, K. Liang, & S. Schneider (Eds.), Proc. 23rd European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (ESORICS) (Vol. 12308, pp. 133–152). Springer.
  21. Müller, C., Brandenburger, M., Cachin, C., Felber, P., Göttel, C., & Schiavoni, V. (2020). TZ4Fabric: Executing Smart Contracts with ARM TrustZone (Practical Experience Report). Proc. 39th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 21–30.
  22. Alpos, O., & Cachin, C. (2020). Consensus Beyond Thresholds: Generalized Byzantine Quorums Made Live. Proc. 39th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 31–40.
  23. Cachin, C., & Tackmann, B. (2019). Asymmetric Distributed Trust. In P. Felber, R. Friedman, S. Gilbert, & A. Miller (Eds.), Proc. 23rd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 153, pp. 7:1–7:16). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
  24. Cachin, C., De Caro, A., Moreno-Sanchez, P., Tackmann, B., & Vukolić, M. (2020, March). The Transaction Graph for Modeling Blockchain Semantics. Proc. Cryptoeconomic Systems Conference (CES ’20).
  25. Brandenburger, M., Cachin, C., Kapitza, R., & Sorniotti, A. (2019). Trusted Computing meets Blockchain: Rollback Attacks and a Solution for Hyperledger Fabric. Proc. 38th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 324–333.
  26. Kokoris-Kogias, E., Androulaki, E., De Caro, A., & Cachin, C. (2018). Channels: Horizontal Scaling and Confidentiality on Permissioned Blockchains. Proc. 23rd European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (ESORICS), 11098, 111–131.
  27. Cachin, C., Ghosh, E., Papadopoulos, D., & Tackmann, B. (2018). Stateful Multi-Client Verifiable Computation. In B. Preneel & F. Vercauteren (Eds.), Proc. Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) (Vol. 10892, pp. 637–656). Springer.
  28. Björkqvist, M., Cachin, C., Engelmann, F., & Sorniotti, A. (2018). Scalable Key Management for Distributed Cloud Storage. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E).
  29. Androulaki, E., Barger, A., Bortnikov, V., Cachin, C., Christidis, K., De Caro, A., Enyeart, D., Ferris, C., Laventman, G., Manevich, Y., Muralidharan, S., Murthy, C., Nguyen, B., Sethi, M., Singh, G., Smith, K., Sorniotti, A., Stathakopoulou, C., Vukolić, M., … Yellick, J. (2018). Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains. Proc. 13th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), 30:1–30:15.
  30. Cachin, C., & Vukolic, M. (2017). Blockchain Consensus Protocols in the Wild. In A. W. Richa (Ed.), Proc. 31st Intl. Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) (Vol. 91, pp. 1:1–1:16). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
  31. Cachin, C., Camenisch, J., Freire-Stögbuchner, E., & Lehmann, A. (2017). Updatable Tokenization: Formal Definitions and Provably Secure Constructions. Proc. Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), 10322, 59–75.
  32. Brandenburger, M., Cachin, C., Lorenz, M., & Kapitza, R. (2017, June). Rollback and Forking Detection for Trusted Execution Environments using Lightweight Collective Memory. Proc. Intl. Conference on Dependable Systems And Networks (DSN).
  33. Cachin, C., Schubert, S., & Vukolić, M. (2016). Non-determinism in Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication. In P. Fatourou, E. Jiménez, & F. Pedone (Eds.), Proc. 20th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 70, pp. 24:1–24:16). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
  34. Liu, S., Cachin, C., Quéma, V., & Vukolić, M. (2016). XFT: Practical Fault Tolerance Beyond Crashes. In K. Keeton & T. Roscoe (Eds.), Proc. 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI).
  35. Brandenburger, M., Cachin, C., & Knežević, N. (2015). Don’t Trust the Cloud, Verify: Integrity and Consistency for Cloud Object Stores. In D. Naor, G. Heiser, & I. Keidar (Eds.), Proc. 8th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR) (p. 16). ACM.
  36. Androulaki, E., Cachin, C., Dobre, D., & Vukolić, M. (2014). Erasure-Coded Byzantine Storage with Separate Metadata. In M. K. Aguilera, L. Querzoni, & M. Shapiro (Eds.), Proc. 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 8878, pp. 76–90). Springer.
  37. Cachin, C., & Ohrimenko, O. (2014). Verifying the Consistency of Remote Untrusted Services with Commutative Operations. In M. K. Aguilera, L. Querzoni, & M. Shapiro (Eds.), Proc. 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 8878, pp. 1–16). Springer.
  38. Cachin, C., Dobre, D., & Vukolić, M. (2014). Separating Data and Control: Asynchronous BFT Storage with 2t+1 Data Replicas. Proc. 16th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), 8756, 1–17.
  39. Cachin, C., Haralambiev, K., Hsiao, H.-C., & Sorniotti, A. (2013). Policy-based Secure Deletion. Proc. 20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
  40. Kapitza, R., Behl, J., Cachin, C., Distler, T., Kuhnle, S., Mohammadi, S. V., Schröder-Preikschat, W., & Stengel, K. (2012). CheapBFT: Resource-efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Proc. 7th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), 295–308.
  41. Băsescu, C., Cachin, C., Eyal, I., Haas, R., Sorniotti, A., Vukolić, M., & Zachevsky, I. (2012, June). Robust Data Sharing with Key-Value Stores. Proc. Intl. Conference on Dependable Systems And Networks (DSN).
  42. Majuntke, M., Dobre, D., Cachin, C., & Suri, N. (2011). Fork-Consistent Constructions From Registers. In A. Fernández Anta, G. Lipari, & M. Roy (Eds.), Proc. 15th Intl. Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) (Vol. 7109, pp. 283–298). Springer.
  43. Kurmus, A., Gupta, M., Pletka, R., Cachin, C., & Haas, R. (2011). A Comparison of Secure Multi-tenancy Architectures for Filesystem Storage Clouds. In F. Kon & A.-M. Kermarrec (Eds.), Proc. 12th International Middleware Conference (Vol. 7049, pp. 471–490). Springer.
  44. Cachin, C. (2011). Integrity and Consistency for Untrusted Services. In I. Cerná & others (Eds.), Proc. 37th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2011) (Vol. 6543, pp. 1–14). Springer.
  45. Shraer, A., Cachin, C., Cidon, A., Keidar, I., Michalevsky, Y., & Shaket, D. (2010). Venus: Verification for Untrusted Cloud Storage. Proc. Workshop on Cloud Computing Security.
  46. Björkqvist, M., Cachin, C., Haas, R., Hu, X.-Y., Kurmus, A., Pawlitzek, R., & Vukolić, M. (2010). Design and Implementation of a Key-Lifecycle Management System. In R. Sion (Ed.), Proc. Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC) (Vol. 6052, pp. 160–174). Springer.

Proceedings, books and book chapters

  1. Baldimtsi, F., & Cachin, C. (Eds.). (2023). Proc. 27th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2023): Vol. 13950–13951. Springer.
  2. Emek, Y., & Cachin, C. (Eds.). (2020). Proc. 39th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC ’20). ACM.
  3. Cachin, C. (2019). Byzantine Faults. In D. Malkhi (Ed.), Concurrency: The Works of Leslie Lamport (pp. 67–81). ACM.
  4. Anceaume, E., Cachin, C., & Potop-Butucaru, M. (2016). Principles of Distributed Systems, 19th International Conference (OPODIS 2015) (E. Anceaume, C. Cachin, & M. Potop-Butucaru, Eds.; Vol. 46). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
  5. Cachin, C., & van Renesse, R. (Eds.). (2013). Proc. 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependable Systems (HotDep), Farmington (PA), USA. ACM.
  6. Cachin, C., Guerraoui, R., & Rodrigues, L. (2011). Introduction to Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming (Second Edition). Springer.
  7. Cachin, C. (2010). State Machine Replication with Byzantine Faults. In B. Charron-Bost, F. Pedone, & A. Schiper (Eds.), Replication: Theory and Practice (Vol. 5959, pp. 169–184). Springer.

Other publications

  1. (Mićić) Milojević, J. (2024). Security and Fairness of Blockchain Consensus Protocols. Dissertation of the Faculty of Science, University of Bern.
  2. Amores Sesar, I. (2024). Scaling the Unscalable: A Study About Consensus. Dissertation of the Faculty of Science, University of Bern.
  3. Alpos, O. (2023). Distributed Protocols with Threshold and General Trust Assumptions. Dissertation of the Faculty of Science, University of Bern.
  4. Zanolini, L. (2023). Asymmetric Trust in Distributed Systems. Dissertation of the Faculty of Science, University of Bern.
  5. Eggen, M., & Cachin, C. (2020). Modernisierung der Formerfordernisse bei der Übertragung von Rechten (Zession und Wertpapierrecht). Teil 1: Wertpapierrecht. Gutachten, im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Justiz (BJ).
  6. Alpos, O., Cachin, C., & Zanolini, L. (2021). Brief Announcement: How to Trust Strangers – Composition of Byzantine Quorum Systems. In S. Gilbert (Ed.), Proc. 35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) (Vol. 209, pp. 44:1–44:4). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
  7. Pellegrini, A., & Zanolini, L. (2020). An Algebraic Model For Quorum Systems. e-print, arXiv:2005.08536 [cs.SC].
  8. Cachin, C. (2017, September). Blockchain consensus protocols: Snake oil warning. Proc. 13th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC).
  9. Androulaki, E., Cachin, C., Caro, A. D., Sorniotti, A., & Vukolic, M. (2017). Permissioned Blockchains and Hyperledger Fabric. ERCIM News, 2017(110).
  10. Stathakopoulou, C., & Cachin, C. (2017). Threshold Signatures for Blockchain Systems (Research Report RZ 3910; Number RZ 3910). IBM Research.
  11. Cachin, C. (2016). Architecture of the Hyperledger Blockchain Fabric. Workshop on Distributed Cryptocurrencies and Consensus Ledgers (DCCL 2016).
  12. Cachin, C. (2014). Integrity, Consistency, and Verification of Remote Computation. Tutorial, presented at 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2014) and 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2014). talks/veriftut.pdf
  13. Burger, R. A., Cachin, C., & Husmann, E. (2013). Cloud, Trust, Privacy: Trustworthy Cloud Computing Whitepaper. TClouds project.
  14. Cachin, C., Dobre, D., & Vukolić, M. (2013). Brief Announcement: BFT Storage with 2t+1 Data Replicas. In Y. Afek (Ed.), Proc. 27th International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC) (Vol. 8205, pp. 573–574). Springer.
  15. Cachin, C. (2012). From Reliable to Secure Distributed Programming. Tutorial, presented at the 42nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN).
  16. Cachin, C., Bansal, D., & Karjoth, G. (2012). Key Management with Policy-based Access Control. Presented at 6th International Workshop on Analysis of Security APIs.
  17. Cachin, C., Junker, B., & Sorniotti, A. (2012). On Limitations of Using Cloud Storage for Data Replication. Proc. 6th Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Tolerance and reSilience (WRAITS 2012).
  18. Băsescu, C., Cachin, C., Eyal, I., Haas, R., & Vukolić, M. (2011, June). Robust Data Sharing with Key-Value Stores. Proc. 30th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC).
  19. Cachin, C., & Schunter, M. (2011). A Cloud You Can Trust. IEEE Spectrum, 28–32.
  20. Cachin, C. (2011). Secure Distributed Programming. Tutorial, presented at the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
  21. Cachin, C. (2011). From Reliable to Secure Distributed Programming. Tutorial, presented at the 25th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC).
  22. Cachin, C. (2011). Protocols for Secure Cloud Computing. Tutorial, presented at METIS-CTDS 2011, International Spring School on Distributed Systems, Marrakech.
  23. Kapitza, R., Schunter, M., Cachin, C., Stengel, K., & Distler, T. (2010). Storyboard: Optimistic Deterministic Multithreading. Proc. 6th Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability.
  24. Cachin, C., & Camenisch, J. (2010). Encrypting Keys Securely. IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, 8(4), 66–69.