Master Thesis

Comparison of Smart Contract Platforms

A smart contract is a protocol that facilities the transfer of digital assets between parties under the agreed-upon terms. It is very similar to a traditional contract because it includes a definition of rules and penalties around the agreement but it does it automatically without the need for third-parties. Smart contracts are stored on a blockchain and they are visible to all users of the specific blockchain.

Today many blockchain platforms support smart contracts and some of them are Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Stellar, Cardano, Corda, etc. The objective is to take a look into these technologies and implement smart contract and test on testnet.

One possibility is to learn Solidity (programming language for writing a smart contract, similar to JavaScript) and implement a smart contract on Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and Cardano platforms. Each of these platforms has different testnets so the thesis work also includes testing the smart contract on these testnets. In the end, students are supposed to present a comparison between these platforms and their testnets.

Another possibility is to implement smart contract using Java programming language for Hyperledger Fabric, Stellar and Corda platforms. Again, this includes tests and comparison between these different platforms.

Note: This topic can be done by two students working in parallel exploring different platforms.


[1] Ethereum

[2] Rinkeby Testnet

[3] Ropsten Testnet

[4] Hyperledger Fabric

[5] Stellar

[6] Cardano

[7] Cardano Testnet

[8] Corda

[9] Corda Testnet

[10] Solidity

Contact Jovana Micic or Luca Zanolini for more information.

Nature of the project: Theory 20%, Systems 80%.