Nathalie Steinhauer

Ph.D. student

Nathalie Steinhauer

Cryptology and Data Security Group
Institute of Computer Science
University of Bern
Neubrückstrasse 10
3012 Bern, Switzerland

Office 109


I graduated with a BSc and a MSc in Computer Science at the University of Bern. My master thesis was about implementing the blockchain-API of Tendermint Core into the consensus layer of a threshold-crypto application. After my graduation in 2020, I joined the crypto-team for the first time to analyze and report the performance of this threshold-crypto application with the newly implemented blockchain-api.

In April 2021 I re-joined the team and focused on the contribution to the paper Quick Order Fairness. Until July 2022 I’m collaborating on a project to implement a threshold crypto library that uses the network and consensus layers of the Tendermint blockchain.

