Master Thesis

Implementation of a Threshold Post-Quantum Signature Scheme

With the recent advancements regarding a fully functional quantum computer, the necessity for cryptography which remains secure even against the quantum computer, is more vital than ever before. This thesis focuses in the implementation on Dilithium [1], main candidate for standardization of post-quantum signatures in the NIST competition, in a threshold [2] setup.

The first part of this thesis consists of the understanding of Dilithium, from a practical perspective. The second part of the thesis consists of implementing a threshold variant of Dilithium using a library for Multi-party computation (MPC).

Requirements: basic algebra, knowledge of secure cryptographic protocols [2].


[1] CRYSTALS-Dilithium: A Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme

[2] Cryptographic Protocols FS2021: Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocols

Contact Ignacio Amores Sesar or Nathalie Steinhauer for more information.

Nature of the project: Theory 30%, Systems 70%.